5 tips for saving water in the garden

5 conseils pour économiser l’eau au jardin

THE episodes of drought and heatwave are accentuated. This is a reality that must be taken into account.

Tips for properly watering your garden and seedlings The water is precious , at home and in the garden. here are some advice to use it sparingly and effectively.

Water your garden well

No need to be a great strategist to achieve a efficient and economical watering . Here is how to water your garden properly:

  • Water in the evening : you will avoid the phenomenon of evaporation, both in the soil and in the plants. Watering carried out “between dog and wolf” is more sustainable and beneficial for the soil;
  • Collect rainwater : place a large capacity barrel or drum at the gutter outlet. Your water bill will be reduced. Rainwater will be used for the garden as well as for washing the car, the terrace, etc. ;
  • Place drippers at the base of the plants : drip watering is extremely precise. It is located at the base of plants. You can even program watering schedules.

Mulching and hoeing your soil

A good natural mulch in the garden and vegetable patch limit to evaporation of moisture . At the foot of vegetables, shrubs, flowerbeds and potted plants, mulch is economical and efficient ! Her Natural degradation will fertilize the soil with humus , providing microorganisms with sustenance. Your soil will see its retention capacity increased.

Mulching has other virtues: it acts as weedkiller and offers to auxiliaries A shelter welcome.

Use as desired straw, hay, dead leaves, crushed branches, lawn mowing (sparingly, and in addition to a drier material).

You don't have mulch on certain plots? Bine , then! By breaking the crust of dryness formed on the surface, you promote better water penetration rain or watering can. One hoeing is worth two waterings !

Watering adapted to your plants

Some Vegetable plants take deep roots . This is the case of cabbages , beans , asparagus, and tomato plants, the cultivation of which requires a lot of water.

It is important to water these well different varieties of vegetables, so that the water penetrates deeply. However, do not drown your plants. Watering will be abundant, but not daily. Otherwise beware of drowned roots and the appearance of diseases such as mildew!

Conversely, the leafy vegetables have short surface roots. They therefore do not have the possibility of drawing water from depth. Water them every day lettuce, orach, spinach, chervil, chives, thyme, sage , etc.

Which flowers and vegetables are drought resistant?

For your beds and borders, opt for perennial plant rather than annual plants . These have a poorly developed root network, and will require daily watering, like leafy vegetables.

THE Perennials are more resistant to heat , due to their deeply developed root network.

You can go further by sowing flowers that use less water, and that will resist drought better. This also applies to certain garden vegetables.

Order your flower, vegetable and aromatic plant seeds online

Select your favorite varieties from a wide choice on our e-shop . All the seeds are reproducible, and guaranteed GMO-free .

Our payment methods are 100% secure , and delivery is assured in Europe and Canada .

Contact us online with a question regarding your order.

See you soon for more advice!

Joseph, from Jardioui

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